Monday, February 23, 2009

jalan - jalan ke batam

Jalan jalan ke Batam naik kapal miko Natalia yang baru yang mampu muat sekitar 400 orang, nikmat . Fasilitas lebih lengkap dari kapal kapal yang ada sebelumnya, ac duingin sekali, waktu tempuh dari balai ke batam hanya 1 jam tanpa goyangan . hehehe muantap pokoknya.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Nama - nama Hotel di Tanjung Balai Karimun

No Nama Hotel Alamat
1. Hotel Padi Mas ** Jl. Pertambangan Telp. (0777) 325555
2. Hotel Rasa Sayang * Jl. Ampera Telp. (0777) 323881
3. Hotel Holiday Karimun * Jl. Trikora No. 1 Telp (0777) 21065 / 21666
4. Hotel Paradise * Jl. Setiabudi Telp. (0777) 23111 /23222
5. Hotel Paragon Jl. Nusantara N0. 38D Telp. (0777) 21688
6. Hotel Pelangi Jl. Teuku Umar Telp. (0777) 23100 / 232000
7. Hotel Alishan Jl. Kapling Blok A No. 10 Telp. (0777) 324888
8. Hotel Erikson Jl. Kapling No. 1 Telp. (0777) 23123
9. Hotel Shangrilla Jl. Pramuka No. 62 Telp. (0777) 325325
10. Hotel Horizon Jl. Setiabudhi No. 15 Telp. (0777) 324008
11. Hotel Satria Jl. A. Yani No. 1A Telp. (0777) 325888 (closed)
12. Hotel Marina Jl. Pertambangan No. 108 Telp. (0777) 323888
13. Hotel Taman Bunga Jl. Yos Sudarso Telp. (0777) 324088
14. Hotel Artha Jl. Pegadaian No.9 Telp. (0777) 31591 /31730
15. Hotel Purnama Jl. Pelabuhan No.38 Telp. (0777) 21158
16. Hotel Wikoria I Jl. Trikora No. 50 Telp. (0777) 31855
17. Hotel Wikoria II Jl. Setiabudi No. 2 Telp. (0777) 22858 / 324858
18. Hotel Lika Jl. Teuku Umar No. 18 Telp. (0777) 22646
19. Hotel Asia Jl. Teuku Umar Telp. (0777) 325678
20. Hotel Tanjung Balai Jl. Nusantara No. 127B Telp. (0777) 22772
21. Hotel Royal Jl. Nusantara Telp. (0777) 22225 / 22289
22. Hotel Top Star Jl. Setiabudi No. 1 Telp (0777) 323868
23. Hotel Mitra Pesona Jl. Nusantara No. 15 Telp. (0777) 31456
24. Hotel Megah Jl. Teuku Umar Telp. (0777) 325803
25. Hotel Mirama Jl. A. Yani No. 8 Telp. (0777) 325818
26. Hotel Puri Indah Jl. Ampera Telp. (0777) 326788
27. Hotel Balai Indah Jl. Setiabudi Telp. (0777) 31420
28. Hotel Family Jl. Teuku Umar No. 67 Telp. (0777) 22670 / 325936
29. Hotel Gabion Jl. Nusantara No. 45 Telp. (0777) 326222
30. Hotel Gloria Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 46 Telp. (0777) 21133
31. Hotel Indah Jl. Nusantara No. 27 Telp. (0777) 21490
32. Hotel King Star Jl. Setiabudi No. 38 Telp. (0777) 22346 / 22348
33. Hotel Karimun Jl. Yos Sudarso Telp. (0777) 21082 / 21088
34. Hotel Millenium Jl. Teuku Umar Telp. (0777) 325333
35. Hotel Maxmilion Jl. Nusantara
36. Hotel Mahkota Jl. Trikora
37. Hotel Nirwana Jl. Nusantara No. 12A Telp. (0777) 31820
38. Hotel Nusantara Jl. Nusantara Telp. (0777) 31646
39. Hotel Sentosa Jl. Nusantara
40. Hotel Sari Indah Jl. A. Yani No. 10 Telp. (0777) 324958
41. Hotel Super 888 Jl. Nusantara No. 62 Telp. (0777) 31882
42. Hotel Century Jl. Teuku Umar
43. Hotel Taman Kelapa Jl. Pasar Pagi Telp. (0777) 325522
44. Hotel Palapa Jl. Ampera
45. Hotel Victoria Jl. Nusantara
46. Hotel Wisata Jl. Teuku Umar No. 12A Telp. (0777) 21232 / 22603
47. Hotel Hangtuah Jl. Pelabuhan Telp. (0777) 22333
48. Hotel Harmoni Jl. Pelabuhan Telp. (0777) 21099
49. Hotel Sederhana Jl. Trikora Telp. (0777) 21677

seperti dikutip dari


Mungkin sebagian besar warga di tanjung Balai Karimun banyak yang menduongkol karena sekaran g sering banget mati lampu, n bahkan beberapa kali kantor pln didemo. Tapi sebetulnya itu bukan salah PLN karena waktu saya tanyakan sama kawan yang dari PLN dia mengatakan bahwa hal tersebut disebabkan oleh rusaknya 2 genset punya PLN jadi yang standby tinggal 3 genset lagi, Phuiih 3 genset nanganin tanjung balai karimun mana tahannnnn, doain ahhh biar ada investor baru buat nambah genset buat kepentingan tanjung balai karimun.


Tanjung Balai , oh Tanjung Balaiku, sekarang dilanda kemarau yang berkepanjangan udah gitu lahan - lahan hijau yang baru ditumbuhi dengan bibit pohon beberapa bulan lalu dalam acara " penanaman pohon" dibakar oleh orang - orang TOL.. hanya untuk membuka lahan . Uhhhh dongkol banget apalagi kalo liat didepan rumah lahan kebakar, otomatis jadi kerjaan tambahan buat gw n pasukan pemadam kebakaran yang bulan - bulan ini kebanjiran nob hehehe.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

weekend night

Bingung mencari tempat buat refreshing setelah seminggu kerja, diajak kawan buat ngerayain valentine, emang telah tapi gak papalah. Akhirnya pukul 22.00 kita berangkat dari Bengkel Motor Modifikasi Ira First Motor punya Bang Aco ke Star club yang berada di Wiko Hotel, asyik juga ditemani dengan live music yang pada malam itu diisi dengan genre R n B. Penyanyi mengalunkan lagu2nya dengan merdu dan juga untuk sound system yang bagus. Akhirnya malam itu lewat dengan berkesan.

weekend night

acuan tempat makan

menyesuaikan hobi makan saya dan istri saya , beberapa kali jalan jalan di tanjung balai karimun kita dapat tempat tempat makan enak. Seperti yang kita ketahui spesialisasi di kepulauan Riau adalah untuk Seafood. Untuk Seafood saya suka ke Rumah makan Hose yang ada di dekat hotel maximilian dan juga Long Beach foodcourt yang ada disebelahnya. Tetapi untuk favorit saya untuk menu makan bebek adalah di rumah makan Jatim Rasa yang ada di samping Polres Tanjung balai karimun.

acuan tempat makan

Sunday, January 25, 2009

HIV tidak menular melalui

- Bersalaman , bersentuhan, berpelukan bahkan berciuman.
o Aman selama tidak ada luka /lecet pada kulit yang memungkinkan perpindahan darah yang mengandung HIV.
o Jumlah HIV dalam keringat dan air ludah tidak cukup banyak untuk menularkan HIV.
- Menggunakan peralatan makan bersama.
- Menggunakan jamban bersama.
- Tinggal serumah dengan orang yang terinfeksi HIV.
- HIV juga tidak menular melalui gigitan nyamuk atau serangga.
- HIV hanya hidup dalam darah dan cairan tubuh manusia, tidak dapat hidup dalam darah dan cairan tubuh binatang.
Jadi meskipun kita melakukan kegiatan – kegiatan social atau bahkan tinggal serumah dengan penderita HIV, kita tidak akan perlu kwatir selama tidak melakukan perilaku berisiko.

Friday, January 23, 2009


cara baru untuk mendapatkan side icome adalah dengan mebgikuti program dynasis, yang basisnya menggunakan voucher pulsa, dengan harga yang sangat berkait. kontak saya kalo membuhkan info lebih lanjut .

Monday, January 19, 2009

Info Adsensecamp

AdsenseCamp merupakan website yang memberikan kesempatan bagi Anda untuk memperoleh penghasilan tambahan dengan menyediakan ruang pada website Anda sebagai tempat pemasangan iklan bagi advertiser.

AdsenseCamp juga memberikan kesempatan kepada para Advertiser yang berkeinginan mempromosikan iklannya yang bakal disebarkan kepada pemilik website yang memiliki jaringan di AdsenseCamp.

Untuk mengikuti program pada AdsenseCamp, sebagai pemilik web Anda tinggal melakukan pendaftaran dimana nantinya setelah terdaftar Anda bisa melakukan copy paste code yang kami berikan. Kemudian pasang code tersebut pada website Anda.

Bagi Advertiser, setelah melakukan pendaftaran Anda bisa melakukan pengisian iklan yang nantinya akan disebar kepada pemilik web yang terdaftar di AdsenseCamp.


Ternyata membuat permohonan dari adsensecamp lebih mudah, sekedar informasi adsensecamp adalah sebuah perusahaan seperti google adsense, tapi bedanya disini kita bisa memakai bahasa Indonesia dalam bahasa di Situs kita. dan untuk penghasilannya juga tidak jauh beda dari adsense google, dan lebih gampang untuk masuk. kalo ada yang tertarik klik aja icon Adsensecamp yang ada disebelah kiri blog ini.

Nongsa Point Marina

not far away from turi beach hotel, estimated just about 15 minutes walking from Turi Beach Hotel we could see again beautiful view and worth to see. Nongsa Point not just like Turi Beach they provide hospitality we could see from the employee of this Hotel. Include with jetty so any yacth and any boats could park here.

what a tiring day...

one full day waitin for someone who is really important to this country, hoping the days after there won't be any touble, cause the future of Kepri , speciallny Tanjung Balai karimun depend on this important person.... phewwww i think i really need to relax.....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

view lagi

gambar view lagi

view di turi beach hotel batam...

jalan - jalan ke batam di waktu weekend , eh ada yang nawarin untuk tinggal di Turi Beach Hotel Batam. Disini saya bisa melihat Anugrah Allah S.W.T yang berupa keindahan, pantai yang bersih alam yang indah terlihat sebagai view utama dari hotel ini. Mudah2an ada kesempatan lagi untuk menginap di tempat seperti ini.

Friday, January 16, 2009

situs israel diacak acak orang indonesia

Situs milik Israel kembali menjadi bulan-bulanan cracker dunia. Tak terkecuali bagi orang Indonesia yang turut melampiaskan kekesalannya dengan mengacak-acak situs Israel.

situs yang menjadi korban kekesalan cracker Indonesia ini beralamat di Pelaku mengaku melakukan hal ini sebagai bentuk kepeduliannya terhadap Palestina.

"Tak ada yang sempurna di dunia.. melainkan Dzat nya. Semoga dengan ini Israel bisa lebih manusiawi. Israel = Teroris," tulis pelaku dalam e-mailnya kepada detikINET, Rabu (14/1/2009).

Sementara di halaman web yang menjadi sasaran amarah, pelaku menampilkan bendera Israel yang disertai coretan silang berwarna merah. Selain itu dibubuhi pula kata-kata kasar yang semakin menegaskan kekesalan pelaku.

"Hacked by Indonesian Moslem Power, Dedicated for moslem in Palestine," tutupnya di situs tersebut.

seperti yang dikutip dari detikcom

selamat berjuang, harumkan merah putih

timnas sepakbola yang rencana akan bertanding pada tanggal 19 januari dengan dikawaki oleh pelatih Benny Dollo, akan berhadapan dengan Oman yang ditangani pelatih Claude Le Roy ini berhasil menjadi juara grup A dari hasil dua kemenangan dan sekali seri. Oman mengalahkan Iraq 4-0, Bahrain 2-0 dan seri 0-0 menghadapi Kuwait yang juga berada satu grup dengan Indonesia di Pra Piala Asia 2011. Mari kita sama - sama mendoakan agar Timnas kita mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik.
Pertandingan Oman vs Indonesia yang berlangsung pada tanggal 19 Januari di Muscat menurut rencana akan disiarkan secara langsung oleh stasiun televisi RCTI pada pukul 22:30 WIB.

6 bulan di tanjung balai.

Tak terasa sudah 6 bulan di tanjung balai, pertama begitu menginjakan kaki di tanjung balai karimun saya kira saya tidak akan beteh. Ternyata hari demi hari saya lalui saya merasa kerasan karena masyarakat disini begitu ramah dengan adat Melayunya. berapa kali ketika saya ada kepentingan untuk keluar dari Balai timbul rasa kangen tidak seperti daerah daerah yang pernah saya kunjungi dan tinggal. TANJUNG BALAI I LOVE YOU.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

anggap aja lagi naik roller coaster....

jalan menuju pelabuhan domestik di Batam kita lalui dengan lancar. Waktu menunjukan pukul 14.30 ketika kita tiba di Pelabuhan Sekupang, sekitar 30 menit kemudian datang kapal cepat yang kita tunggu untuk nyebrang ke Tanjung Balai.
Setelah ngantri masuk kapal ternyata ga dapat duduk (saking penuhnya)
ai : Yang kapalnya penuh nih...
a : Ya udah ga papa bediri aja....
ai : yang ombaknya besar banget , ai takut....
a : (pura-pura ga takut) bedoa aja yang trus bayangin kita lagi naik roller coaster kayak di DUFAN.
Alhamdulilah walaupun ombak besar akhirnya kita sampai di pelabuhan Tanjung Balai.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

info penting....

kita tidak tahu apakah kita terkena HIV atau AIDS, karena virus dari penyakit tersebut tidak hanya disebabkan oleh hubungan seksual tetapi dapat menular melalui transfusi darah, penggunaan pisau cukur yang bergantian.
jdi langkah yang terbaik
cek darah kalian melalui tes darah untuk HIV, yang termasuk bagian dari konseling & testing HIV sukarela (KTS) atau VCT (Voluntary Counselling & Testing)

Monday, January 12, 2009

lets save our mother nature

No one can say exactly what it looks like when the planet takes ill, sometimes we do not realize what it caused. The massive exploration is dominated by businessman without considering the result. Forestry is the Indonesian economy's second biggest earner after oil and gas. Illegal mining and illegal logging are being trend in this country. This chance is used to increasing the great personal profit. There are many regulations that arrange these illegal activities but sometimes it does not work. The collision happened everywhere, it looks like that there is no regulation from government which to arrange. Many of Indonesia's forests have been badly damaged by legal or illegal deforesting. Uncontrolled exploitation has opened up the forest canopy and, in the absence of rain the forest has become tinder dry. The police capture many businessmen who are doing illegal mining and illegal Logging. But the punishment are not given courage them. Now, government issued illegal mining and illegal logging rule in every mass communication.
Ministry of Forestry recently claimed that timber theft and illegal logging have destroyed and estimated 10 million ha of Indonesian forests. In 50 years period, Indonesian primeval forest experience decrease about 64 million hectare. The opening of primeval forest destroys various kinds of flora and fauna. The forests become bare caused of readiness about 20 millions m3 formal local wood but demand overseas about 60 millions m3 (2000).
If the government doesn’t act quickly after 10 years, Sumatera forest might be destroyed in 2005 and following destroy Borneo forest in 2010. Forest management in 2002 did not show sign of correction if we compare with the year before. In the fact, it worst then before. Burning forest still happened, illegal logging and illegal mining our forest made worse in 2002. The rate of forest loss is accelerating. On average, about 1 million ha per year were cleared in the 1980s, rising to about 1.7 million ha per year in the first part of the 1990s. Since 1996, deforestation has increased to an average of 2 million ha per year.

3 primary factors that accelerate forest disaster are illegal logging, deforesting (illegal or legal) and burning forest. In Indonesia illegal logging is a massive problem that has resulted in undermining the rule of law and substantial revenues to the state. It encourages forest crimes, and it has serious economic and social implications to the poor and disadvantageous.
Forest opening with burning way, will increase big problem in forest disaster. An El Nino effect periodically every 2-7 years make worst this forest condition. During January – October 2002, 45% point of all burning forest is in Riau province. In October 2002 it was happened significantly increasing forest burning in Riau province, west Sumatera and Jambi. Forest fire gives us much disadvantage. More than 5 million ha of forest burned in 1994 and another 4.6 million ha burned in 1997-1998. Large-scale plantation owners have turned to the use of fire as a cheap and easy means of clearing forest for further planting. Smoke from forest fires and land clearance has choked Central Kalimantan for three months, causing serious health, transport and economic problems.
The local economy has been crippled. Transportation by road around Palangkaraya and south to Banjarmasin in neighboring South Kalimantan has been hampered by thick smoke. More significantly, river transportation the major means of distributing most goods in Central Kalimantan has been badly affected as boat owners and passengers fear collisions. Palangkaraya's Tjilik Riwut Airport has been closed by smoke since August. An Air force Hercules managed to land with a shaken party of government ministers and foreign diplomats on October 14th in visibility under 300m. Fires and smoke could be seen from the Trans Kalimantan highway as early as July, where fires had been burning for several weeks.
West Kalimantan and Riau have also been badly affected. The problems have been worst in Central Kalimantan, which has been hit even harder than in 1997. Palangkaraya has suffered from thick smoke continuously since mid-August. By October there were 400 to 500 hot spots (clusters of fires) around the provincial capital. With visibility down to 100m most mornings, vehicles crept along with their headlights on. On the worst days people could see less than 5m.
Education has been disrupted as the authorities eventually ordered schools to close for days or weeks at a time. Work hours at a number of government and commercial offices were cut. Forest fires are still burning in many areas of Central Kalimantan. People were waiting for rains to extinguish the fires and clear the air. Local government agencies had distributed thousands of free masks to motorists and pedestrians by early August and people wore home made masks, although these provide little protection. Air pollution levels were still above the hazardous 1,000 levels on the PSI scale by mid-October (above 100 is classified 'unhealthy').
As usual, prevailing winds have blown the haze to neighboring Singapore and Malaysia. Visibility in parts of Kuala Lumpur and other areas in central and southern Peninsular Malaysia is said to have fallen to 50 percent below normal. Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand have all complained about the fires, but the Indonesia government's feeble/weak response is to appeal for "understanding and assistance". In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's biggest city and its financial capital, traffic slowed to a crawl as nothing could be seen beyond a distance of one kilometer (a half mile). The acrid smell of burning vegetation filled the air.
There are many ways to rescue our forest.
1. Issued illegal logging regulation is the best way to increase these criminal activities. Illegal logging protection had already done by the government. Include foreign interfere which ready to refuse not to buy deforesting result. Even though this regulation has been issued, illegal logging were still happened in several islands. Many thieves were caught in the act but they always repeat their activities.
2. Strengthen market signals to expand wood production supply. These efforts were done to reduce illegal wood delivery to another countries. Increasing human resources for the aim to develop handicraft.
3. Forbidding forest destruction. Actually, there are many ways to put out forest fire in our country. Not only bad field condition but also long distance forest fire makes difficult to extinguish forest fire. Protecting forest fire has been done from the air or the ground. Such as chemistry material and extinguish fire grenade. Besides that, bombing ways was done from the air with Hercules Transtall C-160 aircraft. Dry season now days, fire extinguish isn’t correct to do. But the important to do are prevention, people education and issued forest useless policy. Therefore rain season is the best way to extinguish forest fire.
4. Keep everlasting reforestation. Technically, this way is the most effective from the others. Especially city forest production.
That’s why, efforts to stop deforestation does not enough only just stop activity which to damage forest but also the efforts to develop this forest. Celebration of earth day should make all off people to think deeply. This celebration does not just only being cheerful ceremonial without get the meaning. Flood and slide case have to being lessons for all people. Don’t let the opinion to prevent forest disaster in Indonesia just started after people who injured.

epson lq-2170

oh iya untuk jenisnya yang kaya' epson lq 2170, pokoknya yang sejenisnya.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

dicari printer...

dicari printer dalam kondisi yang layak pakai , untuk jenis epson yang biasa dipakai di notaris atau biasa kita kenal electric typewriter...terimakasih untuk bantuannya

stay healthy....

What is health? If we talk about health, we will consider how being healthy. Health is the most important in our life. Health is our body good in shape condition or fit. So we could do many maximal activity. But if our body in weak condition we couldn’t do anything with maximal result. Actually health is divided in two groups, besides physical health also mental health.
A lot of ways increasing physical health. One of them is food consumption. Food that we eat has many influence to our body. But never choice food that make us being unhealthy. There are many kinds of food that make our body unhealthy. Such as: oily food, junk food, fatty food. We are also able to find many kinds of healthy foods. Such as Vegetables and traditional food. These food contain many vitamin and nutrition. Healthy food is consumed to make our body healthy. Specially for traditional food we can find in village or we can make it by your self.
Another way to maintain our healthy is sport. Sport is also the cheapest way that we can do in many places. For examples jogging, swimming or playing game. Sweat are produced by our body make our fat burned. We ought to do sport gradually. Three times a week enough to set our body in good condition. Sport activity helps us to make our life longer.
One thing that also important is mental health. This part can’t be seen, but it is very encourage in our body. Increasing mental health can be done by relaxing or taking a rest. Relaxing activity can be done by sight seeing or watching movie.
In addition, life with healthy way have given us many opportunity to make longer our life. Avoid eating unhealthy foods such as junk food and doing sport activity are the best ways to increase our health.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Marriage hmmm if we hear that word we would imagine a family with children and such a complicated life. BUT the facts is marriage start my wonderful life of whom i met a princess of my hearth. But it's not life if we run it smooth .... so believe having a family is better than when we're single

Friday, January 9, 2009


terimakasih sudah membuka blog saya, disisni saya menjual beberapa barang . Yang pasti saya carikan yang termurah dan yang terbaik untuk kualitasnya.
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